- Is the solution Patient Portal? Or Check-In Solution?
The software platform is primarily a Check-in Solution. However, it has a lot of the components
of your patient portal and can be expanded to include a visit summary, a copy of lab results and
- How does the patient get Access to the portal?
Once a patient’s basic demographics are in PM, an Email/SMS notification is automatically sent
to the patient with a link to access their forms on any device.
- Patient Notification Preferences?
Email, SMS This is a field in PM and Access Health reads that field and will send the notification
based on the patient’s preference.
- Provider Notification Preferences?
Email, SMS, Desktop
- What Notifications are Sent, & Who's Getting What?
Patients will receive:
Registration forms and date of appointment
Welcome Notification with Website URL and other related information
Verification Code during Login
Notification when the provider confirms the appointment with scheduled date and time
Up to three reminder emails before patient appointment
A follow-up notification after the patient’s appointment
A notification if the appointment is canceled or rescheduled
Prescription refill
Notification when prescription refill request is approved
Notification when prescription refill request is declined
Notification when prescription refill request is declined, and administrator suggested scheduling
an appointment
Contact Nurse/Billing Questions
Email Notification when the administrator responds to a question
Administrator will receive:
An email Notification when appointment is canceled by patient
An email Notification when the patients update the patient record information
Prescription refill
An email notification when patient submits prescription refill request
- Can the patient edit the PM data?
No. Patient will not be able to edit data. First Name, Last Name, Date of Birth, SSN, A/S Number, Work
Phone, Home Phone, Cell Phone are few fields which are read-only.
- Can we add new appointment type for online users?
Yes, on your PM template you can make an appointment type called online appointments and all
patients to book them through Access Health. The appointment will show in your PM system. Fully
- Can we use our own merchant account?
Yes. If you have an online billing portal, we can connect the patient to your merchant. We do not take a
transaction fee.
- Do you store patient credit card information?
We do not store credit card information.
- Can the system delivered EHR knowledge terms and client delivered knowledge terms?
Yes, we can allow the patient to update their history using system delivered knowledge terms and
attributes or client customized terms. We can pull all terms specific to your database.
- Can patients scan their insurance card and upload it?
Yes, Patients can scan or take a photo of their insurance card and send it with their forms. This can be
put into the PM system.
- Can the solution be customized per a specific division?
Yes. The features in the platform can enable or disabled based on the division’s Implementation Plan.
New workflows also can be implemented per division’s needs.
- Can we choose different styles or colors for our division portal?
Yes. You can change the color and logo for each division.
- Which browsers work best for the solution?
Microsoft Internet Explorer
Mozilla Firefox
Microsoft Edge